We Will Get Through This Together

In trying, challenging times, we all look for ways to ease stress, to bring comfort and hope for a better day.

In an effort to join TOGETHER, even though we cannot gather together, Seymour Pink will be offering these complimentary lawn signs as a way for us to be united in our resolve, that TOGETHER we will get through these difficult and trying times!

EACH day brings us opportunities to come together in SPIRIT, to continue to be there for others by spreading HOPE and PROMISE that on the other side of this, we will be TOGETHER again, joining hands and hearts as one!

It is our hope that these lawn signs will bring all of us HOPE and PROMISE that TOGETHER we will get thru this more UNITED than ever.

Our lawn signs are FREE (however donations will be kindly accepted)
-(delivery of signs will begin on or about this coming Wednesday April 1st)
-We will deliver to your front lawn- no contact
-LIMITED supply in our initial production
-If you live outside of the Lower Naugatuck Valley (Ansonia, Derby, Shelton, Seymour, Beacon Falls, Oxford) we will set up a pick up location with designated day and time-practicing ALWAYS our social distancing (details for pick up to follow)

Be safe, be healthy, we will get through this TOGETHER!

****These signs have been sponsored by a very generous ANONYMOUS donor! Thank you for your generosity!

We also want to thank Grand Concepts of Seymour for their partnership in this idea.

PLEASE contact us at seymourpink09@aol.com to reserve your lawn sign.

We will get through this TOGETHER!