The 2020 Great Give

Since mid March, life as we know it has drastically changed!

Each and everyone of us has a new meaning of what stress feels and looks like.
Many of us have been fortunate to remain healthy, yet here in Connecticut the number of us diagnosed with Covid-19 and the loss of life is shocking!

Additionally, many have lost their jobs, many have had their businesses close either temporarily or permanently.

Once again, the strength of this community, the heart of this community has risen above it.

We have turned to our neighbor and they’ve been there for each of us, even when it wasn’t easy for them to do so.

Perhaps that is the silver lining in these incredibly difficult, disturbing, frightening times!

Individuals, businesses and nonprofits such as Seymour Pink have shared in these hardships.

We here at Seymour Pink know how hard this community has been hit.
For us our major source of income, our fundraisers, have had to be canceled or postponed indefinitely.

However, Our mission to financially assist those burdened by the breast cancer diagnosis has not stopped.

We continue to financially assist the men and women who have been burdened by the breast cancer diagnosis and the additional impact it has had on their income.

Please know that we here at Seymour Pink are sensitive to the financial devastation many have experienced as a result of COVID-19.

This coming Tuesday and Wednesday, May 5-May 6, The Great Give 2020 will take place.
It is a 36 hour online giving campaign.

Seymour Pink will be participating in this event, in hopes that any possible donations can help ease our loss of income as we continue to live our mission.

Please know that any donation we greatly appreciate, realizing that many of you are not in a situation to give right now.

However, if you are able to give, your donation is deeply appreciated and very much needed.

The link to give will become active on May 5th at 8 AM.

We continue to keep all of you in our prayers.
We will get through this together!

With Deep gratitude,

Mary Deming
SeymourPink, Inc.

Below is the link to donate to Seymour Pink, Inc.