post 6th Annual 5K thoughts

How do you describe, in words, what yesterday was all about? For the last six years I have failed to find the right words to capture the sights, sounds and the emotions of the 5K. I think in the end it’s because words can’t define our 5K event. You can only FEEL yesterday! Our 5K has grown incredibly in the last six years not just in number of participants, but in the amount of support and hope and love this community has for those of our loved ones and friends who have heard those words, “You have breast cancer!”
For me personally, there were so many moments that I felt my own mother, who lost her fight to metastatic breast cancer in 1972 at the age of 55, right by my side. I can only believe that that was true for so many people yesterday.

For our breast cancer survivors, our HEROES, who came to participate despite the fact that some were in active treatment, YOU INSPIRE US! Nothing deters you!

If anything you were more determined to show breast cancer that it was not in charge of your life. We had 128 breast cancer survivors with us yesterday. So many came up to me to share what yesterday meant to them. One woman said, “This is the best medicine for me to beat my breast cancer!
I know I can fight this and win because I see so many people here supporting me in the fight!”

For each of us the 5K means something different BUT one thing is the SAME…We FIGHT together and we WIN together!

Please know that I am eternally grateful to ALL of you who made yesterday happen…and it does take a COMMUNITY to make it happen…Once again HUMAN KINDNESS and GOODNESS prevails!
My love to all of you,